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  • Goal Setting

    Goal Setting

    ‌In mid-October, students, parents and teachers meet to set individualized goals for continuous improvement. The goals are accompanied by strategies with which to reach the goals which are monitored throughout the year. Learning Conversations provide an opportunity for teachers, administrators and parents to meet with students to discuss the goals.

    Every year, the principal meets with all students to discuss their goals and progress toward the goals.

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  • Alternative Program

    Alternative Program

    Please visit the Edmonton Public Schools Cogito Alternative Program website for helpful program information.

    Cogito is a knowledge-based program with clearly defined standards of achievement and measurable learning objectives. Cogito is dedicated to helping average students maximize their academic potential. Cogito (k 0 gi t o) is Latin for I reason. The program provides a Classic Liberal Arts Education and is designed for the student who is willing to work to achieve a high level of academic excellence, in a knowledge-based program, and in an atmosphere of structured and sequenced learning. Critical thinking is stressed. Students work in an environment that encourages self discipline.

    The unique program characteristics include:

    • Enriched curriculum
    • Sequenced knowledge content
    • Focus on attention and increased concentration
    • Early literacy development through explicit phonics
    • Strong mental and written math skill development
    • Teachers oriented to a classical approach
    • Direct whole group instruction
    • Strong work ethic expected
    • Regular homework required
    • Committed parental support

    Cogito Foundational Principles

    Kindergarten Learner Profile

    Grades 1-6 Learner Profile

    Parent Commitment


    To get a glimps of a day in the life of a Cogito Kindergarten student, please watch this video.

    Information about the Cogito program specific to Mount Pleasant is also available in this short video.


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  • Student Leadership

    Student Leadership

    Student Leadership

    Students have the opportunity to take part in leadership roles in order to develop strong citizenship skills. The following student leadership opportunities are available:  AMA Patrols, Snow Angels, Bus Leaders, Tarmac Teamers, Greeters, Assembly Entertainers, Stage Crew, Office Aides, Library Leaders, Indoor Recess Leaders, Technology Leaders, Environment Leaders, and Lunchroom Leaders.

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  • Clubs & Activities

    Clubs & Activities

    Clubs and activities take place outside the regular school hours and are provided by staff on a voluntary basis. Students also participate on a voluntary basis. Clubs may include: Choir, Handbell Choir, Orff Club, Drumming Club, Running Club, and Dodgeball Intramurals.


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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy

    Mount Pleasant School aspires to be a capable, connected, committed school community where students work to achieve academic excellence and foster leadership skills. In partnership with parents, we strive to provide a structured environment of consistently high expectations for learning and conduct where students demonstrate diligence and self-discipline as they achieve excellent results in all their pursuits.

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Welcome to Mount Pleasant School, a kindergarten to grade 6 learning community where students, teachers and parents work together to ensure a high quality education through the Cogito Alternative program.

For the 2024-2025 school year, Mount Pleasant School is full in planned classes in Kindergarten to Grade 6 in the Cogito Program. We will no longer accept enrolment requests for our school.

Information regarding registration for the 2024-2025 school year can be found under the "For Parents" tab.


Principal's Message

Welcome to Mount Pleasant School … where kindness is fostered.

Mount Pleasant School aspires to be a kind school community where students work to achieve academic excellence and discover their leadership and citizenship skills. In partnership with parents, we strive to provide a structured environment of consistently high expectations for learning and conduct where students demonstrate diligence and self-discipline as they achieve excellent results in all their pursuits.

Our focus is student learning as evidenced by our student achievement results. This work includes:

  • Setting and pursuing individual goals for social and academic improvement,
  • Developing literacy through acquiring vocabulary, phonemic awareness, reading for comprehension and enhancing written expression,
  • Developing numeracy through metacognitive strategies and targeted practice,
  • Applying the competencies of critical thinking, problem-solving, managing information, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation, cultural and global citizenship, and personal growth and well-being.

We continue to build a strong school community by prioritizing strong relationships, collaboration, and ongoing communication between students, parents and staff. High standards of student conduct reflect the rights of students to learn and teachers to teach. We encourage our students to accept responsibility for their learning and conduct and for the adults in their lives to support them as they learn and grow.  This is all done within a framework of kindness and respect.

On behalf of the staff, we look forward to an exciting 2024-2025 school year as we work together toward achieving growth from all students.

Randy Witte, M.Ed.
